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Data Collection for NEMT

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Many members and stakeholders in the non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) ecosystem have been struggling with the lack of transparency regarding the experience their users face, as well as capturing accurate and reliable ride data. These issues can threaten the entire ecosystem, and are rooted in the foundation of the industry. Currently, the following challenges are dominating the NEMT ecosystem:

  • Ride data currently recorded by NEMT providers is not analyzed and worked on in a timely fashion, hence the changes required take a long time to reach the intended recipients of these services;

  • The complaints and grievances of patients do not make it back to the service providers; and

  • The lack of transparency regarding the feedback that members provide is not only detrimental to the operations of the medical transportation ecosystem, but it also affects the quality of service that members receive.

Despite the significant role that brokers play in the non-emergency medical transportation space, not all brokers offer the same level of value to health plan providers. For decades now, traditional brokers have been providing the same level of service to health plan providers. However, the needs of both the members and the health plans have changed significantly over the years. As a result, traditional brokers may not be able to provide the same level of accountability and transparency regarding their members' experience. This may also cause a dropoff in the performance of broker services.

The archaic model of reporting on ride performance and experience to health plan providers has no place in today's transportation landscape. Instead, the data should be collected and analyzed immediately. Instead of waiting for the data to arrive, health plans should be able to quickly analyze and report on the status of their individual and collective rides as they are being conducted. This is an essential part of each health plans efforts to improve the efficiency of their operations.

The traditional industry narrative that has been used to describe the lack of transparency regarding the operations of the NEMT ecosystem is no longer accurate. Through new softwares, health plan providers and other stakeholders can now get the real-time data they need. This data allows them to improve the quality of their services and ensure that their members have the best possible experience.

With live software showing GPS tracking of rides, NEMT providers can now prevent much of the fraud, abuse and waste, while also providing members with the best possible ride experience. They can monitor all services and intervene faster to take action if there are any issues with their services.

The lack of transportation is a critical issue that affects the delivery of healthcare services to the most vulnerable individuals. According to Medicaid records, over 31% of Medicaid beneficiaries missed their healthcare appointments due to the lack of transportation. A patient who misses just one appointment can have a domino effect that can affect their treatment plan. It could lead to a more critical health response or surgery.

For example, a patient with an advanced heart disease might miss their cardiologist's appointment due to not getting a ride. This could lead to an aggravation in their condition, which could result in a heart attack. Besides the hospital stay, the patient might also have to spend a lot of money on treatment and medications. Getting a ride can help lower the risk of heart attack and reduce the overall cost of treatment.

Due to the increasing number of on-demand ride services, the transportation options for vulnerable individuals are no longer the same as they were ten years ago. NEMT providers and health plan providers can now benefit from the digitization of this network, which will allow them to provide their members in a timely fashion, with more transparency and empowerment. Utilizing a complete software platform that is designed to improve the quality of care given by both the health plan providers and the transportation providers, is where the industry needs to be headed. A powerful platform that allows providers to monitor the status of their drivers and the performance of their services. One that can also help identify areas of concern and improve the efficiency of operations. Digitizing provider services will address the challenges faced in the currently archaic ecosystem